Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
A Developmental Approach to Learning Disability Practice DB0504 Module
Additional Midwifery Care for Women and Families: Integration and Co-ordination MW0633 Module
Additional Midwifery Care for Women and Families: Introduction and Context MW0419 Module
Additional Midwifery Care for Women and Families: Presentation and Management MW0522 Module
Administration of Botulinum Toxin and Non-Permanent Dermal Fillers AA0710 Module
Adult Critical Care Nursing Core Knowledge and Skills AC7021 Module
Adult Critical Care Nursing Core Knowledge and Skills AC6692 Module
Advanced Care of Children and Young People CN0507 Module
Advanced Clinical Assessment Skills HA7005 Module
Advanced Clinical Assessment Skills for Community Specialist Practice HA7030 Module
Advanced Clinical Assessment Skills for Community Specialist Practice AC7128 Module
Advanced Clinical Assessment Skills for Community Specialist Practice-Babies, Children and Young People HA7033 Module
Advanced Clinical Assessment Skills for Community Specialist Practice-Babies, Children and Young People AC7131 Module
Advanced Operating Department practice OD6014 Module
Advanced Operating Department Practice DA6014 Module
Advances in Mental Health Practice MH0606 Module
Advances in Mental Health Practice MH0710 Module
Advancing Chemotherapy Practice AC7023 Module
Advancing District Nursing Practice AC0768 Module
An investigation of contemporary nursing issues IM0630 Module
Anaesthetic Practice AC0604 Module
Analysing Knowledge for Practice AC0291 Module
Anatomy & Physiology for Operating Department Practice OD4016 Module
Anatomy & Physiology for Operating Department Practice DA4016 Module
Anatomy and Physiology OD0405 Module
Application of Life Sciences to Advanced Paramedic Practice AC0789 Module
Applied Anaesthetic Practcie OD0508 Module
Applied Anaesthetic Practice OD0502 Module
Applied Life and Nursing Sciences NS0603 Module
Applied Life and Social Sciences, Planning and Evaluating Care LE4002 Module
Applied Life and Social Sciences: Planning and Evaluating Care AA0407 Module
Applied Life Science for Adult Nursing AA0713 Module
Applied Life Science for Mental Health Nursing MH0714 Module
Applied Life Sciences NS0506 Module
Applied Life Sciences LE7001 Module
Applied Operating Department Practice DA5014 Module
Applied Operating Department Practice OD5014 Module
Applied Post-Anaesthetic and Critical Care Practice OD0507 Module
Applying Human Factors to Healthcare Organisations AC0772 Module
Applying Knowledge and Skills in Children's Nursing CN0605 Module
Applying Knowledge and Skills within Adult Nursing Care AA0611 Module
Applying Knowledge and Skills within Children's Nursing CN0505 Module
Applying PBS in Practice AC0798 Module
Applying Positive Behavioral Support (PBS) in Practice PBS AC6676 Module
Appraising Universal Midwifery Care for Women and Families MW0632 Module
Apprenticeship Dissertation DA7010 Module
Apprenticeship Dissertation Portfolio for Advanced Clinical Practitioners DA7018 Module
Assessing and Planning for Complex On-going Needs in Adult Nursing AA0715 Module
Assessing and planning for complex on-going needs in Mental Health Nursing MH0716 Module
Assessing and Planning for On-Going Needs in Learning Disability Nursing LE7003 Module
Assessment & Formulation with Children, Young People & Families AC7007 Module
Assessment in Mental Health Nursing MH0509 Module
Assessment, Screening and Care Planning in Midwifery Practice MW0413 Module
Assessment, Surveillance, and Intervention for Specialist Public Health Practice AC7134 Module
Assessment, Surveillance, and Intervention for Specialist Public Health Practice (Full Time) AC7123 Module
Assessment, Surveillance, and intervention for specialist public health practice (Full-Time) HA7025 Module
Assessment, Surveillance, and intervention public health practice (Part-Time) HA7037 Module
Assessor and Supervisor Preparation in Clinical Practice AC6760 Module
Assessor and Supervisor Preparation in Clinical Practice AC7111 Module
Becoming a Learning Disability Nurse DB0405 Module
Body Systems HS3000 Module
Building Community Capacity HA7001 Module
Building Community Capacity AC7071 Module
Capability, Empowerment and Capacity in Learning Disability Nursing LE5001 Module
Cardiac Health in Contemporary Clinical Practice AC6778 Module
Cardiac Health in Contemporary Clinical Practice AC7139 Module
Cardiac Health in Primary Care AC6701 Module
Care in Perioperative and Post-Anaesthetic Practice OD0408 Module
Care, Compassion and Communication in Nursing Practice (Malta) NS0432 Module
Chemotherapy Enhancing Practice AC6733 Module
Chemotherapy: Enhancing Practice AC0310 Module
Children and Young People - Recognition and Emergency Care in Critical Illness AC6714 Module
Children and Young People - Specialist practice in PICU AC0618 Module
Children and Young People Health Care Challenges CN0609 Module
Children and Young People Healthcare Challenges CN0702 Module
Children and Young People Recognition and Emergency Care in Critical Illness AC6617 Module
Children and Young People's History Taking and Physical Assessment AC6603 Module
Chronic Heart Failure Management AC6616 Module
Clinical Life Science for Paediatric Practice AC0759 Module
Clinical Skills for Developing Practice AC0732 Module
Clinical Skills for Practice 1: Immediate Phases of Critical Illness AC0719 Module
Clinical Skills for Practice 2: Definitive Management of Critically Ill Patients AC0720 Module
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Long Term Conditions AC0786 Module
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Long Term Conditions AC6662 Module
Collaborative Project HS3010 Module
Collaborative Working in Practice PL0607 Module
Collaborative Working in Practice PL0503 Module
Common Cancers in the UK AC6732 Module
Communicating effectively in difficult situations AC0734 Module
Communicating effectively in difficult situations AC0313 Module
Community Practitioner Prescribing for Nurses and Midwives (V100) AC7065 Module
Community Practitioner Prescribing for Nurses and Midwives (V150) AC7067 Module
Community Practitioner Prescribing for Nurses and Midwives (V150) AC6709 Module
Competence for Emergency Practice - Major Illness / Injury AC0676 Module
Competence for Practice - Major Illness / Injury AC6629 Module
Complex assessment and decision making in healthcare practice AC6761 Module
Complexity, Co-morbidity and Recovery in Learning Disability Nursing DB0609 Module
Consolidating Practice for Maternal and Infant Care MW0617 Module
Consolidation of Adult Critical Care Nursing Knowledge and Skills AC6693 Module
Consolidation of Adult Critical Care Nursing Knowledge and Skills AC7022 Module
Contemporary Advanced Clinical Practice DA7006 Module
Contemporary chemotherapy practice for conditions other than cancer AC0662 Module
Context of Nursing in General Practice AC6650 Module
Context of Nursing in General Practice AC6719 Module
Contextualising Clinical Exercise Physiology PP0719 Module
Contextualising Research AC7058 Module
Continuity of Care: Leadership and Collaboration MW0521 Module
Continuity of Care: Models and Approaches MW0418 Module
Core Competency for work with Children, Young People & Families AC7005 Module
Core Skills for CAMH Practice AC6682 Module
Creating and Sustaining Practice Development PP0715 Module
Critical Care and High Dependency Needs in Children's Nursing CN0608 Module
Critical Care and High Dependency Needs in Children's Nursing CN0703 Module
Critical Evaluation of Contemporary Practice AC7104 Module
Developing and Applying Knowledge and Skills for Nursing Care NS0507 Module
Developing and Applying Knowledge and Skills for Nursing Care NS0531 Module
Developing Enquiry and Research Skills AC0506 Module
Developing Enquiry and Research Skills AC0511 Module
Developing Evidence Based District Nursing Practice AC0765 Module
Developing Evidence Based Specialist Public Health Practice AC0769 Module
Developing Evidence-Informed Operating Department Practice OD5015 Module
Developing Knowledge and Skills within Adult Nursing Care AA0508 Module
Developing Knowledge and Skills within Adult Nursing Care AA0610 Module
Developing Knowledge and Skills within Children's Nursing CN0604 Module
Developing Leadership Capacity and Managing Change (Level 6) AC0690 Module
Developing Leadership Capacity and Managing Change (Level 7) AC0724 Module
Developing Midwifery Practice Through Research MW0719 Module
Developing Nursing Practice through Research NS0711 Module
Developing Skilled Midwifery Practice MW0523 Module
Developing Skills for Perioperative Practice DA5017 Module
Developing Skills for Perioperative Practice OD5017 Module
Developing Skills for Safe and Effective Practice PR0602 Module
Developing Skills for Safe and Effective Practice PR0501 Module
Developing Skills for Service Improvement Planning AC0731 Module
Developing the Research Concept PP0716 Module
Dissertation: Systematic Appraisal IM0720 Module
Empirical Project AC7035 Module
Empirical Project AC7073 Module
Empirical Project AC7046 Module
Enhanced Phases of Peri-operative Practice AC6754 Module
Enhanced Phases of Peri-operative Practice AC7099 Module
Enhanced Skills for Assessment and Engagement in CAMH Practice AC6683 Module
Enhancing Academic Practice through Pedagogic Research HA7011 Module
Enhancing Clinical Skills for Perioperative Practice OD5018 Module
Enhancing Clinical Skills for Perioperative Practice DA5018 Module
Enhancing Evidence Based Interventions for Anxiety and Depression in CAMH Practice AC6684 Module
Enhancing the Care of Older People AC6633 Module
Enhancing the Care of Older People AC0526 Module
Enhancing the Care of Older People AC0758 Module
Enhancing the Care of Older People in Contemporary Society NS0613 Module
Essential Skills and Knowledge in Adult Nursing NS0513 Module
Essentials of Children and Young People's Health and Illness CN0406 Module
Evidence and Research for Professional Practice PR0601 Module
Evidence Based Interventions in Mental Health Nursing MH0507 Module
Evidence Based Nursing Practice NS0532 Module
Evidence Based Practice Dissertation NS0616 Module
Evidence Based Practice Project MW0623 Module
Evidence for Practice AC6671 Module
Examining Personal Context PP7000 Module
Exploring Issues in Peri-Natal Mental Health AC6634 Module
Exploring Professional Identity NS0417 Module
Facilitating Learning and Assessment in Practice (L5) AC0507 Module
Foundation of Skilled Midwifery Practice MW0420 Module
Foundations for Systemic Practice with Families AC7018 Module
Foundations in Acute and Critical Care AC0258 Module
Foundations in Adult Congenital Heart Disease AC6626 Module
Foundations in Paediatric Intensive Care AC6713 Module
Foundations of Cancer Care AC6727 Module
Foundations of Cancer Care AC0008 Module
Foundations of Neuroscience Practice AC0625 Module
Foundations of Teaching and Assessing in Nursing Practice NS0627 Module
Foundations of Teaching and Learning in Practice AC7109 Module
Foundations of Teaching and Learning in Practice TE7031 Module
Foundations of Teaching and Learning in Practice AC6764 Module
Foundations of Teaching and Learning in Practice TE6640 Module
Foundations Skills for Safe and Effective Practice PR0401 Module
Fundamental Aspects of Mental Health and Illness MH0406 Module
Fundamental Nursing Care NS0430 Module
Fundamentals of research methodology AC6762 Module
Fundamentals of research methods AC6763 Module
Global Health in the 21st Century IM0722 Module
Governance in Health and Social Care AC0744 Module
Governance in Mental Health and Learning Disability AC0607 Module
Health and Physical Assessment AC6747 Module
Health and Society MW0635 Module
Health History & Physical Assessment AC6728 Module
Health History and Examination AC7047 Module
Health History and Examination DA7011 Module
Health Improvement for Nurses Working Across Diverse Environments IM0628 Module
Health in Today's Society HS3003 Module
Health Promotion AC6744 Module
Healthcare Law and Ethics AC6745 Module
History Taking and Clinical Skills for Primary Care AC6712 Module
History Taking and Clinical Skills in Primary Care AC7077 Module
History Taking and Examination in Paediatrics AC0760 Module
Impact on Research in Practice AC7061 Module
Implementation of Mental Health Nursing Knowledge and Values MH0505 Module
Implementation of Mental Health Nursing, Knowledge and Values MH0608 Module
Improving outcomes in health & social care practice AC6750 Module
Independent and Supplementary Prescribing AC0636 Module
Independent Nurse Prescribing AC0637 Module
Infection Control in Primary Care AC0668 Module
Informing Professional Practice - Safeguarding Adults and Mental Capacity AC0341 Module
Innovation in Midwifery Care MW0717 Module
Integrating Evidence into Perioperative Practice Development DA6015 Module
Integrating Evidence into Perioperative Practice Development OD6015 Module
Integrating Evidence of Practice development: Portfolio 2 AC0697 Module
Integrating Interpersonal Skills and Health Promotion AC0292 Module
Inter-professional Collaboration, Support, and Supervision for Perioperative Practice AC7096 Module
Inter-professional Collaboration, Support, and Supervision for Perioperative Practice AC6753 Module
Introduction into Leadership Management and Decision Making in Health and Social Practice AC6766 Module
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology NS0401 Module
Introduction to Children and Young People's Nursing CN0403 Module
Introduction to Children and Young People’s Health and Illness CN0407 Module
Introduction to Evidence Based Practice in Health and Ill Health AA0406 Module
Introduction to Evidence Based Practice in Health and Ill Health Registered Nurse Learning Disability LE4001 Module
Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice in Health and Ill Health MH0407 Module
Introduction to Perioperative Evidence Based Practice DA4015 Module
Introduction to Perioperative Evidence Based Practice OD4015 Module
Introduction to Perioperative Practice OD4017 Module
Introduction to Perioperative Practice DA4017 Module
Introduction to the Student Experience, Learning and Teaching PL0746 Module
Introduction to Thinking Strategically in Health and Social Practice AC6756 Module
Introduction to Universal Midwifery Care for Women and Families MW0417 Module
Issues in Clinical Supervision for CYP-IAPT AC0753 Module
Leadership & Management in Perioperative Practice DA6016 Module
Leadership and Management for Health Care IM0702 Module
Leadership, Management and Decision Making in Health and Social Practice AC7101 Module
Leading and Advancing Specialist Practice HA7003 Module
Leading and Developing Practice AC6748 Module
Leading and Managing Change AC0767 Module
Leading and Managing Change AC6645 Module
Leading PBS in Organisations AC0799 Module
Leading PBS in Organisations AC6677 Module
Leading Quality and Service Improvement in Practice AC6768 Module
Leading Quality and Service Improvement in Practice AC7102 Module
Learning Disability Nursing in Specialist Environments DB0604 Module
Life Science and Pharmacology for Advanced Clinical Practitioners AC7049 Module
Life Science for Advanced Clinical Practitioners DA7007 Module
Life Sciences for Clinical Nursing Practice IM0629 Module
Lifelong Learning for Professional Practice (Malta) NS0429 Module
Major Injuries and Illness for emergency care AC6655 Module
Management of acute and chronic neurological conditions AC6679 Module
Management of acute and chronic neurological conditions AC0776 Module
Management of Acute Chest Pain AC0319 Module
Managing Clinical Complexity in Advanced Clinical Practice DA7008 Module
Managing Health Improvement Through Social Marketing PL0740 Module
Managing Pain and Symptoms in Advanced Disease AC0733 Module
Managing Pain and Symptoms in Advanced Disease AC6613 Module
Managing Strategic Thinking in Health and Social Practice AC7103 Module
Mental Health Nursing Within Health and Social Care Systems MH0612 Module
Mentor/Educator Preparation (non-accredited) AC1000 Module
Midwifery Practice 1 MW0637 Module
Midwifery Practice 2 MW0716 Module
Midwifery Practice 3 MW0718 Module
Minor Illness and Injury for Emergency Care AC6654 Module
Monitoring and Management of Long Term Conditions AC6652 Module
Monitoring and Management of Long Term Conditions AC6721 Module
Neonatal Intensive care MW0712 Module
Neonatal Intensive care MW0629 Module
Neonatal Special and High Dependency care MW0713 Module
Neonatal Special and High Dependency care MW0630 Module
Neuroscience Practice AC0624 Module
Non-Medical Prescribing AC6710 Module
Non-Medical Prescribing (V300) AC7066 Module
Non-Medical Prescribing V300 AC6765 Module
Non-Medical Prescribing V300 AC7112 Module
Nursing Care of Adults with Complex Needs AA0708 Module
Nursing Care of Adults with Complex Needs NS0619 Module
Nursing Care of Adults with Complex Needs NS0614 Module
Nursing Dissertation NS0629 Module
Nursing Older People with Complex Needs AC6746 Module
Nursing Practice (2) NS0517 Module
Nursing Practice (2) NS0519 Module
Nursing Practice (3) NS0615 Module
Nursing Practice Module (2) Leadership, Quality and Team Work in Nursing Practice (Adult) (Child) (Learning Disability) NS0710 Module
Nursing Practice Module 1: Becoming a Safe, Caring Professional NS0709 Module
Nursing Skills 1: Introduction to Nursing Assessment Skills NS0424 Module
Nursing Skills 2: Development of Communication Skills and Nursing Interventions NS0425 Module
Nursing Skills 3: Developing Evidence-Based Skills for Best Practice NS0525 Module
Nursing Skills 4: Enhancing Clinical Skills for Complex Care NS0529 Module
Nursing Skills 4: Enhancing Clinical Skills for Complex Care NS0526 Module
Nursing Skills 5: Leading and Improving Safety and Care Quality NS0622 Module
Nursing Skills 6: Advancing Nursing Skills NS0626 Module
Nursing Skills 6: Advancing Nursing Skills NS0623 Module
Nursing Skills 6: Advancing Nursing Skills DA6021 Module
Overseas Nursing / Midwifery Practice Placement MW0628 Module
Pathophysiology in Operating Department Practice OD5016 Module
Pathophysiology in Operating Department Practice DA5016 Module
Perspectives of Complex Care in Adult Nursing DA5061 Module
Perspectives of Complex Care in Adult Nursing AA0512 Module
Perspectives of Complex Care in Children and Young People's Nursing CN0512 Module
Perspectives of Complex Care in Learning Disability Nursing LE5002 Module
Physical Assessment and Care of the Newborn AC7034 Module
Policy and Theory in Practice Development IM0723 Module
Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) in Practice AC0408 Module
Practical Based Clinical Supervision for CYP-IAPT AC0754 Module
Practice Learning 1 NS0433 Module
Practice Learning 3 - Advancing Skills for Safe and Effective Practice NS0508 Module
Practice Learning 4: Nursing Patients with Complex Needs NS0511 Module
Practice Module (3) Leadership, Quality and Team Work NS0621 Module
Practice Module 1: Becoming a Safe Caring Professional NS0423 Module
Practice Module 2: Developing Shared Decision Making NS0524 Module
Practice Module 2: Developing Shared Decision Making DA5059 Module
Practice Module 3 Leadership Quality and Team work DA6018 Module
Practice Module 3 Leadership Quality and Team work DA6051 Module
Practice Project AC7036 Module
Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine Crew Course (PHEMCC) for Paramedics AC6661 Module
Pre-hospital, Critical and Post-operative Care for Perioperative Practitioners AC6752 Module
Pre-hospital, Critical and Post-operative Care for Perioperative Practitioners AC7095 Module
Preparation and Understanding of Research Methodology AC7078 Module
Preparation for Undergraduate Study HS3006 Module
Preparation for Working Life NS0701 Module
Preparation for Working Life in Nursing (Work-Based) NS0604 Module
Preventative Interventions in General Practice Nursing AC6720 Module
Preventative Interventions in Practice Nursing AC6651 Module
Prevention and Early Intervention in CAMH AC6610 Module
Prevention and Management of Diabetes in Adults AC0699 Module
Prevention and management of diabetes in adults AC7113 Module
Prevention and Management of Diabetes in Adults AC6700 Module
Principles of Anaesthetic Practice OD0406 Module
Principles of Innovative Nursing Practice AA0716 Module
Principles of Innovative Nursing Practice in Children and Young People's Nursing CN0707 Module
Principles of Innovative Nursing Practice in Learning Disability Nursing LE7004 Module
Principles of Innovative Nursing Practice in Mental Health Nursing MH0717 Module
Principles of Innovative Person Centred Practice in Adult Nursing AA0511 Module
Principles of Intra-Operative Practice OD0401 Module
Principles of Operating Department Practice DA4014 Module
Principles of Operating Department Practice OD4014 Module
Principles of Perioperative Practice OD4018 Module
Principles of Perioperative Practice DA4018 Module
Principles of Positive Behavioural Support AC6678 Module
Principles of Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) AC7000 Module
Principles of Post-Anaesthetic Practice OD0403 Module
Professional Development and Lifelong Learning (with Practice Placement C) OT7003 Module
Professional Practice in Midwifery MW0638 Module
Proficient Midwifery Practice MW0634 Module
Promoting Effective Parenting for Conduct Disorders AC0743 Module
Promoting Health and Preventing Ill Health LE7002 Module
Promoting Health and Preventing Ill Health AA0714 Module
Promoting Health and Preventing Ill Health in Children and Young People's Nursing CN0705 Module
Promoting Health and Preventing Ill Health in Mental Health Nursing MH0715 Module
Promoting Normal Processes in Midwifery MW0415 Module
Promoting sexual health in healthcare practice AC7110 Module
Promoting sexual health in healthcare practice AC6751 Module
Provision of Universal Midwifery Care for Women and Families MW0520 Module
Psychosocial Approaches for Children and Young People CN0511 Module
Public Health Fundamentals: Concepts, Theories and Frameworks PL0734 Module
Public Health in Contemporary Nursing NS0518 Module
Public Health in Contemporary Nursing NS0407 Module
Public Health in Operating Department Practice OD0500 Module
Public Health Intelligence and Epidemiology: Informing Policy and Strategy PL0736 Module
Public health practice across the life course HA7027 Module
Public health practice across the life course HA7125 Module
Qualitative Research Methodology and Design AC7060 Module
Research and Evidence for Contemporary Practice HA7000 Module
Research Approaches and Methods in Health and Social Practice AC7107 Module
Research as Evidence for Nursing Practice IM0627 Module
Research as Evidence for Nursing Practice (KAPLAN) AC6741 Module
Research as Evidence for Operating Department Practice OD0509 Module
Research Methods and Approaches AA0712 Module
Research Skills- Approaches to Evidence and Enquiry AA0124 Module
Responding to Alcohol & Substance Misuse: An Issue for All AC0645 Module
Return to Practice AC6735 Module
Return to Practice Nursing and Midwifery AC6736 Module
Return To Professional Practice AC6653 Module
Safeguarding Adults, Young People and Children AC6758 Module
Safeguarding Children and Young People AC0681 Module
Service Improvement and Research Methods in Advanced Clinical Practice DA7013 Module
Setting Up, Managing and Growing a Health-Related Small Business AA0711 Module
Sexual Health Advisor: Principles of public health and partner notification (Level 6) AC6759 Module
Sexual Health Advisor: principles of public health and partner notification (Level 7) AC7105 Module
Skills for practice in CAMH AC6612 Module
Specialist Interventions within Mental Health Nursing MH0709 Module
Specialist Interventions within Mental Health Nursing MH0605 Module
Strategic Management of Health Care AC0779 Module
Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence / Abuse AC6757 Module
Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence / Abuse AC7097 Module
Systematic Appraisal AC7108 Module
Systematic Appraisal PP0729 Module
Systematic Appraisal PP0191 Module
Systemic Practice for Depression, Self Harm & Conduct Disorders AC7016 Module
Teaching and Learning AC6743 Module
Technology for Experiments PY0544 Module
The Acutely Ill Adult AC6680 Module
The Acutely Ill Adult AC7001 Module
The Context of Global Health IM0626 Module
The Global Political Context of Health AC6619 Module
The Professional Midwife: Consolidation as Student and Scholar MW0631 Module
The Professional Midwife: Developing the Student and Scholar MW0519 Module
The Professional Midwife: Foundations as Student and Scholar MW0416 Module
Theory 2: Applied Life and Social Sciences, Planning and Evaluating Care CN0408 Module
Theory for Midwifery Practice MW0702 Module
Theory Module 2: Applied Life and Social Sciences - Planning and Evaluating Care MH0408 Module
Theory Module 3: Psychosocial Approaches to Mental Health Nursing MH0511 Module
Tissue Viability Management AC6623 Module
Transforming Community Specialist Practice through Research, Policy, Evidence and Evaluation AC7124 Module
Transforming Community Specialist Practice through Research, Policy, Evidence and Evaluation HA7039 Module
Transforming Community Specialist Practice through Research, Policy, Evidence and Evaluation AC7137 Module
Transforming Community Specialist Practice through Research, Policy, Evidence and Evaluation HA7026 Module
Transition to Accountable Practitioner CN0610 Module
Transition to Accountable Practitioner AA0613 Module
Transition to Accountable Practitioner in Learning Disability Nursing LE6001 Module
Transition to an Accountable Practitioner in Adult Nursing DA6052 Module
Transition to an Accountable Practitioner in Adult Nursing DA6019 Module
Understanding and developing evidence for practice AC6749 Module
Understanding and Responding to Acute and Critical Changes to Adult Health NS0516 Module
Understanding and Responding to Acute and Critical Changes to Adult Health NS0521 Module
Understanding Assessment and Interventions When Working with Complexity in Acute MH Care MH0510 Module
Understanding Common Presenting Problems in CAMH AC6611 Module
Universal and Additional Midwifery Care 1 MW0636 Module
Universal and Additional Midwifery Care 2 MW0715 Module
Values and Principles for Nursing People Across Their Life Span NS0533 Module
Values and Principles for Nursing People in Later Life NS0510 Module
Values and Principles for Nursing People in Later Life AA0707 Module
Values and Principles for Nursing People in Later Life AA0608 Module
Valuing Self and Others HS3007 Module
Young People's Health and Illness CN0510 Module

Lists linked to Nursing, Midwifery and Health

Title Sort by title Time Period Last updated Sort by last updated
Complex assessment and decision making in healthcare practice (Level 6) Whole Year 2024/25 03/07/2024 12:53:54
Complex assessment and decision making in healthcare practice (Level 7) Whole Year 2024/25 03/07/2024 12:54:01
Interprofessional learning Whole Year 2024/25 03/07/2024 09:41:08
Leading and Advancing Specialist Practice Whole Year 2024/25 03/07/2024 13:04:57